(134 credits)

Plan of Study Grid
First Year
1st SemesterCredits
CS 100 Roadmap to Computing 3
PHYS 111 Physics I 3
PHYS 111A Physics I Lab 1
MATH 111 Calculus I 4
ENGL 101 English Composition: Introduction to Academic Writing 3
CHEM 125 General Chemistry I 3
CHEM 125A General Chemistry Lab I 1
FYS SEM First-Year Student Seminar 0
 Term Credits18
2nd Semester
CS 113 Introduction to Computer Science I 3
PHYS 121 Physics II 3
PHYS 121A Physics II Lab 1
MATH 112 Calculus II 4
CHEM 126 General Chemistry II 3
CHEM 126A Gen Chemistry Lab II 1
 Term Credits15
Second Year
1st Semester
CS 114 Introduction to Computer Science II 3
MATH 211 Calculus III A 3
PHYS 234 Physics III 3
PHYS 231A Physics III Lab 1
MATH 333 Probability and Statistics 3
ENGL 102 English Composition: Introduction to Writing for Research 3
 Term Credits16
2nd Semester
CS 280 Programming Language Concepts 3
MATH 222 Differential Equations 4
MATH 335
Vector Analysis
or Mathematical Methods for Scientists and Engineers
PHYS 335 Introductory Thermodynamics 3
CS 241 Foundations of Computer Science I 3
 Term Credits16
Third Year
1st Semester
CS 288 Intensive Programming in Linux 3
CS 301 Introduction to Data Science 3
OPSE 310 Virtual Instrumentation 3
PHYS 430 Classical Mechanics I 3
PHYS 432 Electromagnetism I 3
 Term Credits15
2nd Semester
CS 331 Database System Design & Mgmt 3
CS 341 Foundations of Computer Science II 3
Physics 300/400 Elective 3
CS 350 Intro to Computer Systems 3
History and Humanities GER 200 level 3
 Term Credits15
Fourth Year
1st Semester
CS 435 Advanced Data Structures and Algorithm Design 3
CS 356 Introduction to Computer Networks 3
CS 490 Guided Design in Software Engineering 3
PHYS 442
Introduction to Quantum Mechanics
or Quantum Mechanics
CS 332 Principles of Operating Systems 3
 Term Credits15
2nd Semester
PHYS 485 Computer Modeling of Applied Physics Problems 3
CS 351 Introduction to Cybersecurity 3
IS 350 Computers, Society and Ethics 3
COM 312
Oral Presentations
or Technical Writing
 Term Credits12
Fifth Year
1st Semester
CS 491
Senior Project
or Independent Study
Humanities and Social Science Senior Seminar GER 3
Social Sciences GER 3
History and Humanities GER 300+ level 3
 Term Credits12
 Total Credits134