(120 credits)

Major Requirements

The Law, Technology and Culture (LTC) B.A. requires 45 credits of major courses with a grade of C or higher. These courses may include offerings at NJIT and Rutgers-Newark. The B.A. in LTC also requires a minimum of 120 total credits, including completion of the General Education Requirements.  Each student's program of study is subject to approval by an advisor or by the chairperson of the department.

The 45 credits of LTC major courses are taken from the following four categories: 

(1) Nine credits of legal foundations courses, which treat aspects of the law in relation to history, philosophy, business, and basic principles of jurisprudence and legal thought, writing, and research:

Legal Foundations Courses
Select three of the following:9
Civil Rights Revolution and Law
The Founding of the American Nation
Sex, Gender, and the Law in American History
American Law in the World
Law and Society in History
Research Methods in Law and Society
Business Law I
Legal Reasoning, Writing, and Technology
Intro Law And Legal Res
Total Credits9

(2) Twelve credits of LTC core courses, which treat the history, policy, and practice of law in relation to engineering, environment, health, information technology, and media:

LTC Core Courses
Select four of the following:12
Environmental Law
Law and Evidence
Environmental Justice and Climate Change in America
Legal issues in the History of Media
Legal Issues in Environmental History
Medicine and Health Law in Modern America
Invention and Regulation
Legal Aspects of Engineering
Privacy and Information Technology
Digital Crime
Information Technology and the Law
Environm Pol & Policy
Total Credits12

(3) Eighteen credits of law-related electives and other approved courses offered at NJIT and Rutgers-Newark that fit each student's special interests. Examples include:

Law-Related Electives 1
Select six of the following: 218
The Rise of Modern Science
Product Liability Engineering
Intro Criminal Justice
Amer Legal Hist
American Legal History II
Case Process:Law & Courts
Us Hist In The Court
Sex Law & Public Pol
Jurisprudence and Legal Theory
Judicial Process
International Law
Amer Constitutl Dev
and Amer Constitutl Dev
Law & Public Policy (Writing Intensive)
Law & Society
Total Credits18

Students who wish to pursue a specialty in law in relation to a specific scientific, technological, environmental, medical, or media field (such as health policy or intellectual property on the Internet), legal field (such as environmental law, criminal law, or international law), or interdisciplinary thematic field (such as gender studies) may count up to 9 credits of advisor-approved courses in that field toward the electives requirement for the major. For example, a student interested in environmental law might take HIST 334 Environmental History of North America and 6 credits of courses in environmental science and/or environmental policy for elective course credit in the major.​


Every course in this category must be approved by the LTC Advisor. Other law-related classes at NJIT and/or Rutgers that are not designated in this list may be used to satisfy the 18 credits of Law-Related Electives. The Rutgers Law School faculty occasionally offer classes open to undergraduates that can be used to satisfy these credits. 

(4) Six credits of focused senior coursework: HSS 404 Humanities, History and Social Sciences Senior Seminar, in which students prepare a project or write a thesis in a relevant field, and HIST 310 Co-op in Law, Technology, Culture and History I, which provides a hands-on, law-related experience as an intern in a law firm, non-profit or government agency, science- or technology-based corporation, or other relevant organization.

Law-Focused Senior Courses
HIST 310Co-op in Law, Technology, Culture and History I 13
or HIST 490 Seminar - Research
or R510 490 Seminar:Research
HSS 404Humanities, History and Social Sciences Senior Seminar 23
Total Credits6

Students may take a History Research Seminar (HIST 490 or R510 490) instead of HIST 310 with the approval of the LTC advisor. Student projects in the history research seminar must be law-related.


Must be an approved law-related HSS 404 History Seminar.

B. A. in Law, Technology and Culture

(120 credits)

Plan of Study Grid
First Year
1st SemesterCredits
ENGL 101 English Composition: Introduction to Academic Writing 3
MATH 105 Elementary Probability and Statistics 3
R790 201 American Government 3
Natural Science GER 3
MGMT 290 Business Law I 1 3
FYS SEM First-Year Student Seminar 0
 Term Credits15
2nd Semester
ENGL 102 English Composition: Introduction to Writing for Research 3
Social Science GER 3
Math GER non-statistics 3
Computing GER 3
History and Humanities GER 200 level 3
 Term Credits15
Second Year
1st Semester
Legal Foundations Elective 2 3
LTC Core Elective 2 3
Law-Related Elective 3
Natural Science GER 3
Natural Sciences Labratory GER 1
Free Elective 3
 Term Credits16
2nd Semester
Legal Foundations Elective 3
LTC Core Elective 3
LTC Core Elective 3
Free Elective 3
Free Elective 3
Free Elective 3,4 1
 Term Credits16
Third Year
1st Semester
HSS 404 Humanities, History and Social Sciences Senior Seminar 5 3
HIST 310
Co-op in Law, Technology, Culture and History I 6
or Seminar - Research
or Seminar:Research
LTC Core Elective 3
Law-Related Elective 3
Law-Related Elective 3
Free Elective 3
 Term Credits18
2nd Semester
Law-Related Elective 3
Law-Related Elective 3
Free Elective 3
Free Elective 3
Free Elective 3
Free Elective 3 1
 Term Credits16
 Total Credits96
Transfer Credits from Professional Program24

This course satisfies 3 credits of the Legal Foundations Electives.


Course must satisfy the History and Humanities GER 300 level.


Student may replace 1-credit elective if he or she has taken a 4-credit course elsewhere.


HIST 312 is recommended.


Must be an approved law-related HSS 404 History Seminar.


Students may take a History Research Seminar (HIST 490 or R510 490) instead of HIST 310 with the approval of the LTC advisor. Student projects in the history research seminar must be law-related.