(120 credits minimum)

Plan of Study Grid
First Year
1st SemesterCredits
MATH 138 General Calculus I 3
PHYS 102 General Physics I 3
PHYS 102A General Physics I Lab 1
CS 106 Introduction to Computing 3
ENGL 101 English Composition: Introduction to Academic Writing 3
MET 103 Engineering Graphics and Intro. to CAD 2
ET 101 Introduction to Engineering Technology 0
FYS SEM First-Year Student Seminar 0
 Term Credits15
2nd Semester
MATH 238 General Calculus II 3
PHYS 103 General Physics II 3
PHYS 103A General Physics II Lab 1
ECET 201 Circuits I 3
ECET 215 Introduction to Digital Electronics 3
ENGL 102 English Composition: Introduction to Writing for Research 3
 Term Credits16
Second Year
1st Semester
ECET 202 Circuits II 3
Technical Elective (200 level or higher) 1 3
ECON 201 Economics 3
ECET 211 Computer Architecture 2
History and Humanities GER 200 level 3
 Term Credits14
2nd Semester
ECET 205 Fundamentals of Analog Electronics 3
ECET 214 Introduction to Communications 3
Technical Elective (200 level or higher) 1 3
Free Elective (200 level or higher) 2 3
 Term Credits12
Third Year
1st Semester
MATH 309 Mathematical Analysis for Technology 4
ECET 303 Circuit Measurements 2
ECET 311 Embedded Systems I 3
ECET 365 Digital Logic and Circuit Design 3
COM 313 Technical Writing 3
 Term Credits15
2nd Semester
MATH 322 Differential Equations for Applications 3
ECET 411 Embedded Systems II 3
ECET 300 Circuit Analysis: Transform Methods 3
ECET 305 Integrated Circuit Applications 3
ECET 344 Numerical Computing for Engineering Technology 3
Free Elective (300 level or higher) 2 3
 Term Credits18
Fourth Year
1st Semester
MNET 414 Industrial Cost Analysis 3
MATH 305
Statistics for Technology
or Industrial Statistics
PHIL 334 Engineering Ethics and Technological Practice: Philosophical Perspectives on Engineering 3
ECET Technical Elective 3 3
ECET Technical Elective 3 3
 Term Credits15
2nd Semester
ECET 400 Senior Project 3
CHEM 301 Chemical Technology 3
Humanities and Social Science Senior Seminar GER 3
ECET Technical Elective 3 3
Technical Elective (300 level or higher) 1 3
 Term Credits15
 Total Credits120

Tech Electives: Any course with a technical subject matter. Lower division must be 200 level or higher, upper division must be 300 level or higher. Excludes CPT 310.


Free Electives: Any course offered by the university, may be technical or non-technical. Lower division must be 200 level or higher, upper division must be 300 level or higher


ECET Electives: ECET 350,412,414,415,416,418,419,430,440, and 444. ECE Bridge Courses may also be used to fill these ECET Elective courses.


 Alternates for Eng 352: ENG 340

ECET Technical Electives

ECET Technical electives are 300 and 400 level courses offered by the ECET program that are not previously required courses within the program. All ECET students are required to take at least two of these courses for their degree. ECET elective courses taken in addition to the two required can fill any of the elective requirements. Note: ECET 329 is not considered an ECET Technical Elective course as it is only for non-ECET majors and cannot be used towards the ECET degree.

ECET 350Computerized Industrial Controls3
ECET 412Power Generation and Distribution3
ECET 415Fundamentals of Telecommunications3
ECET 416Networking Applications3
ECET 418Transmission Systems3
ECET 440Clinical Internship3
ECET 444Technology Applications of Object-Oriented Programming3

Technical Electives

Technical electives can be satisfied only by courses with a technical subject matter; this excludes Humanities, History, Economics, Social Sciences, Literature, and any other non-technical subject. In general, the following subjects qualify as Technical Electives: ARCH, BIO, BIOL, BME, CE, CET, CHEM, CPT, CS, ECE, EM, ENGR, IE, IS, IT, MATH, ME, MECH, MET, MIS, MNET, OPSE, PHYS, and SET. Except CPT 310 or MATH 305 Statistics for Technology or MATH 309 Mathematical Analysis for Technology or MATH 322 Differential Equations for Applications or CHEM 301 Chemical Technology or MNET 315 Industrial Statistics or MNET 414 Industrial Cost AnalysisAdditionally, any course required for the ECET degree cannot be used as a technical elective, in the case where a class has been substituted in place of a required course, the originally required course cannot be used as an elective.

Free Electives

Free electives may be satisfied by any course offered at the university. The ECET program contains two free electives, one 3 credit course, 200 or higher level and one 3 credit course, 300 or higher level.

Co-op Work Experience (Internship)

Co-op Work Experience is not required as part of the ECET program, although it is highly recommended. Students can participate in a sixteen-week paid internship at a variety of local companies. Students who pass Co-op can use the credit to fulfill any of the six non-ECET required electives.

To apply for Co-op students must first visit the Career Development Services office at NJIT and fill out a Co-op application. The application will be sent to your academic advisor for approval and you will be notified of the decision.

Co-op Classes

The ECET Co-op classes are ECET 395 Co-op Work Experience I and ECET 495 Co-op Work Experience II.

This curriculum represents the maximum number of credits per semester for which a student is advised to register.  A full-time credit load is 12 credits.  First-year students are placed in a curriculum that positions them for success which may result in additional time needed to complete curriculum requirements. Continuing students should consult with their academic advisor to determine the appropriate credit load.