Financial Aid
Financial aid is funding for your college education that comes from sources outside your family, such as the federal or state government or an institution. Gift aid, which comes in the form of scholarships and grants, does not have to be repaid. Self-help aid, such as loans and work-study, is either repaid or earned, respectively.
At NJIT, the concept of "financial aid" typically refers to undergraduate awards that are offered based on financial need, merit, or both. Any combination of awards is referred to as your "financial aid package," which is calculated based on the information you provide on your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).Specifically, the package is determined by your Cost of Attendance (COA), Expected Family Contribution (EFC), and financial need. As a recipient of undergraduate financial aid, you can receive a combination of grants, scholarships, education loans, and student employment (work-study) in your financial aid package.
Financial aid is also available to graduate students in the form of education loans such as a Federal Direct, Perkins, Graduate PLUS, or private loans. To apply, you must file a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) at In addition to education loans, NJIT offers other sources of graduate financial support. For more information on graduate tuition and stipend support go to:
You can visit other pages of our website to learn how eligibility is determined and the variables such as withdrawal, enrollment status, and other special circumstances that affect your financial aid package. Our website is located at:
For more information, you can contact the Office of Student Financial Aid Services at 973-596-3479 or at