Academic Policies and Procedures
NJIT has an advance self-registration system that obligates all students currently enrolled in undergraduate degree programs to register in advance for their courses. Registration is required each semester for courses offered in the next academic session (fall, winter, spring, summer). Students are advised according to the curriculum for their major, as outlined in the degree program listing in the undergraduate catalog. Students are required to meet with their academic advisor prior to registration; an advisor hold on registration will be removed with advisor authorization only.
All students register online via Highlander Pipeline. An approved registration guarantees class seats until the first class meeting. Students who do not attend the first class meeting may lose their place in class.
The Office of the Registrar is located in the Student Mall, on the ground floor of the parking facility. During the Fall and Spring semesters, the office is open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm and Wednesday, 8:30 am to 6:00 pm.
Currently Enrolled Students
Currently enrolled students are informed of registration procedures via their NJIT email account for the fall and spring semesters by the Office of the Registrar during March and October respectively, and must then register during the advance registration period. Instructions for the summer session are provided with the fall registration materials. Priority registration is provided to Veteran and service member students. Please contact the Office of Military/Veteran Students to confirm eligibility.
New and Readmitted Students
The Office of University Admissions informs prospective and readmitted students of registration procedures.
Non-Matriculated Students
Non-matriculated students should contact the Office of University Admissions for details of admission and registration procedures at least one month before the date of intended enrollment. Extension and distance learning students should contact the Division of Continuing and Professional Education.
Auditing a Course
Students who wish to audit a course must state their intention to do so at the time of registration. Change in auditing status is not permitted once a semester has begun. Students who audit are required to pay full tuition and fees for the course. Audited courses are not counted in determining full-time status. Students on probation are not permitted to audit.
Undergraduate Students Registration in Graduate Courses
Matriculated undergraduate students may register for graduate courses only in the final two semesters of their anticipated undergraduate degree completion, unless they are pursuing an accelerated baccalaureate/graduate dual degree program. Specifics are given in the below.
Undergraduate Registration in Graduate Courses as part of a Baccalaureate/Master’s or Baccalaureate/PhD accelerated dual degree program
Undergraduate students who wish to take graduate level courses as part of a Baccalaureate/Master’s or Baccalaureate/PhD accelerated dual degree program must formally apply through the Office of Admissions into one of the B.S./M.S, B.S./M.B.A., B.S./M.I.P, B.S./M.A.R, B.Arch./M.S., B.Arch./M.Arch., B.A./M.S., B.A./M.A. or B.S./Ph.D. Admission into an accelerated dual degree program is required before a student can enroll for a graduate course to be used as part of the program. If a student, admitted into an accelerated dual degree program, takes a graduate course as per the accepted application into the program and passes it with a grade of B or better, then the course applies towards both the undergraduate and graduate degree requirements. If a student admitted into an accelerated dual program takes a graduate course and passes it with a grade lower than B, then the course counts only towards fulfillment of the undergraduate degree requirements; this course – if required in the graduate program – will have to be repeated when the student is formally admitted to the graduate program.
Students enrolled in a baccalaureate/masters or baccalaureate/PhD accelerated dual degree program are billed at the undergraduate tuition rate for the classes allowed to fulfill accelerated dual degree requirements, irrespective of the grade received for the course. Graduate tuition rates will apply for additional graduate courses taken before completion of the undergraduate degree requirements. A graduate course cannot be repeated before the student completes the undergraduate degree requirements.
Once admitted into an accelerated dual degree program students must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of either 3.0 (for BS/MS and all variations) or 3.5 (for BS/PhD and all variations) and achieve a grade of B or better in all graduate courses taken; failure to meet the foregoing conditions leads to the students losing admission into the dual program and they continue pursuing their undergraduate degree only. Additional provisions for the various accelerated dual degrees are given in the below.
Students admitted in accelerated dual degree programs still need to apply separately at a later time to get formal admission into the respective graduate program. Graduate courses are valid for up to seven years after having taken them as an undergraduate student in an accelerated dual degree program. For admission to the graduate program, the NJIT GER or GMAT requirements must be met as well.
BS/MS and BA/MA Criteria:
Cumulative GPA of 3.0 or better for taking up to two courses in the BA/MA or BS/MS program
Cumulative GPA of 3.5 or better for taking up to three courses in the BA/MA or BS/MS program
Before admission into an accelerated dual program, students must have at least junior standing or at least two full time semesters (24 credits) left before graduation, and at least five (5) major courses in the baccalaureate program completed
BArch/MS and BS/MBA Criteria:
Cumulative GPA of 3.0 or better for taking up to four courses in the BArch/MS or BS/MBA program
Before admission into an accelerated dual program, students must have at least junior standing or at least two full time semesters (24 credits) left before graduation, and at least five (5) major courses in the baccalaureate program completed
BS/PhD and BA/PhD Criteria:
Cumulative GPA of 3.5 or better for taking up to four courses in the BS/PhD or BA/PhD program
Students must meet with the Vice Provost for Graduate Studies (go to the Contact Us page to request an appointment) after receiving approval from the PhD academic advisor
Before admission into a BS/PhD or BA/PhD program, students must have at least junior standing or at least two full time semesters (24 credits) left before graduation, and at least five (5) major courses in the baccalaureate program completed
Accelerated dual degree program students who wish to take 500-level courses (500-G for Architecture) or 600-level courses must obtain written approval of the graduate advisor for the program that offers the course, their undergraduate advisor, and the Vice Provost for Graduate Studies via submission an UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS TAKING GRADUATE COURSES AS PART OF A JOINT DEGREE form.
Undergraduates are not permitted to take 700-level courses, except in rare cases requiring explicit approval with justification from the Vice Provost for Graduate Studies.
The courses taken as part of an accelerated dual program will be considered as undergraduate credits for billing and financial aid purposes.
Undergraduate Registration in Graduate Courses (not part of a joint Baccalaureate/Master’s or Baccalaureate/PhD accelerated dual degree program)
Undergraduate (not in an accelerated dual degree) students in the final two semesters of their anticipated degree completion may opt to take up to three graduate courses, provided their cumulative GPA is at least 2.8. Successful completion of these graduate courses will not count towards their undergraduate degree requirements, will be billed at the graduate tuition rate, and cannot be covered by either an undergraduate scholarship award or financial aid.
Permission to take graduate credits as an undergraduate student cannot be viewed as guaranteeing admission into the graduate program. A student (not in an accelerated dual program) is allowed to take only a maximum of nine graduate credits (3 courses) before completion of their undergraduate degree.
Undergraduate students in an accelerated dual degree program, who have successfully completed the graduate courses allowed to be counted towards both their undergraduate and graduate degree, may in the last semester of their anticipated baccalaureate degree completion take up to three additional graduate courses. Successful completion of these additional graduate courses will not count towards their undergraduate degree requirements, will be billed at the graduate tuition rate, and cannot be covered by either an undergraduate scholarship award or financial aid. Before completion of the undergraduate portion of their dual degree, students cannot take more than three graduate courses beyond what their accelerated dual degree program allows for.
Undergraduate students who wish to take 500-level courses (500-G courses for Architecture) or 600-level courses must obtain written approval of the graduate advisor for the program that offers the course and their undergraduate advisor via submission of an "Approval for Undergraduates Taking Graduate Courses" form.
Course Additions and Schedule Changes
Students who add a course to their program will be charged the full tuition and fee for the course added. All schedule changes are completed via Highlander Pipeline.
Courses cannot be added after the fifth day of the semester. Students cannot receive credit for courses if they are not registered. Attendance in a class without proper registration for that class is not permitted.
Withdrawal from Courses
Students who wish to withdraw from courses should first determine if the withdrawal would have an impact on full-time status, financial support, or academic standing and progress. They should consult their advisor in advance.
Students wishing to withdraw from courses may do so without academic penalty by the end of the tenth week of the semester only via Highlander Pipeline. Failure to do so will result in grades other than W.
Discontinued attendance or verbal approval to withdraw alone will not result in a W and most likely will instead result in an undesirable final grade.
Withdrawing from courses does not necessarily lead to a refund and students should consult with their academic and financial aid advisor on the issue before they actually withdraw.
Withdrawal from NJIT
Students wishing to withdraw entirely from the university may do so without penalty by the end of the ninth week of the semester via Highlander Pipeline. Failure to do so will result in grades other than W.
Withdrawing entirely from NJIT does not necessarily lead to a refund and students should consult with their academic and financial aid advisor on the issue before they actually withdraw.
Detailed information on Withdrawal policies can be found at the following link:
Continuity of Registration
A student must register each fall and spring semester continuously from the semester in which first registered until the semester in which graduated. Students who are voluntarily not taking classes, temporarily unable to attend class for one or more terms, or who have been granted a leave of absence will comply with this requirement by registering for "maintaining registration". Undergraduate students may maintain registration for a maximum of four main terms (fall and spring). Graduate students may maintain registration for a maximum of two main terms (fall and spring). Students are not required to maintain registration during summer or winter sessions.
Students who exceed the number of authorized maintaining registration terms or who allow their registration to lapse will have to apply for readmission on the same basis as new students, can be readmitted only with the consent of their department, and the university is under no obligation to readmit them. Students who are in academic suspension are an exception to this rule, and are governed by the policy on reinstatement after academic suspension.
Continuity of Registration – Veteran and Active Duty Students
A student must register each fall and spring semester continuously from the semester in which first registered until the semester in which graduated. Students who are voluntarily not taking classes, temporarily unable to attend class for one or more terms, or who have been granted a leave of absence will comply with this requirement by registering for "maintaining registration". Undergraduate students may maintain registration for a maximum of four main terms (fall and spring). Graduate students may maintain registration for a maximum of two main terms (fall and spring). Students are not required to maintain registration during summer or winter sessions.
Students who exceed the number of authorized maintaining registration terms or who allow their registration to lapse will have to apply for readmission on the same basis as new students, can be readmitted only with the consent of their department, and the university is under no obligation to readmit them. Active duty students or students who are deployed while enrolled at the University will not have to apply for readmission if their deployment exceeds the maximum number of terms, or who are unable to maintain matriculation due to service requirements. Students who are in academic suspension are an exception to this rule, and are governed by the policy on reinstatement after academic suspension. The policy associated with academic suspension applies to all students, including veteran and active service members.
Maintenance of Registration
Students enrolled in a degree program who find it necessary to temporarily discontinue their studies are permitted to maintain registration for a fee each semester they do not register. International students on F-1 and J-1 visa status may not maintain registration unless they have obtained prior written permission from the Office of International Students and the Office of Graduate Studies.
Students who maintain registration are emailed registration notices for the following semester and are not required to reapply for admission. To maintain registration, students must register for "Maintaining Registration" via Highlander Pipeline.
Each semester, in which registration is maintained, is counted in the total time period allotted to complete degree requirements except for students with an approved leave of absence.
An undergraduate student may not opt for ‘maintaining registration” status for more than 4 consecutive academic semesters per leave from the university.
Responsibility for Registration
NJIT emails notices in advance to NJIT student email accounts. Students are expected to obtain all necessary information and comply with all registration procedures on time. New international students are only permitted to register after attending the required international student orientation program. Students who receive financial support must be in attendance at NJIT.
Course Cancellations
Courses listed in this catalog are offered at the discretion of each offering department. When there is inadequate registration for a course, it may be cancelled without notice. The registrar or academic department will attempt to notify all students of course cancellations before the first meeting of the semester.
Room Changes
Room and laboratory changes are noted in the online schedule maintained by the registrar via Highlander Pipeline.
Curriculum Change Procedure
If a curriculum is revised after a student has been admitted, the student has the option of pursuing the revised curriculum or the curriculum in place at the time of admission. The decision to follow the revised curriculum must be made no later than the end of the academic year in which the revised curriculum becomes operative.
Academic departments which are implementing curriculum changes should notify all students who will be affected by the changes to outline/explain these changes. Notification should be multi-faceted (i.e., letters, announcements on homepages, meetings with groups of students, announcements in class) to ensure wide dissemination of information. Bridge courses may be developed to facilitate a student’s switching to a revised curriculum.
Policy on Midterm and Final Exams
NJIT policy requires that all midterm and final exams must be proctored, regardless of delivery mode, in order to increase academic integrity. Note that this does not apply to essay or authentic based assessments. Effective beginning Fall semester 2019, students registered for a fully online course section (e.g., online or Hyflex mode) must be given the option to take their exam in a completely online format, with appropriate proctoring.
Final Exam Conflict Policy
In the event that three final exams are scheduled on the same day or that two exams are scheduled for the same hour of the same day, the following rules shall be used to resolve such conflicts:
Rule 1. Final examinations of courses with multiple sections taking a common final examination shall be taken during their regularly scheduled period.
If the conflict is not completely resolved by Rule No.1, then Rule No.2 shall be used to resolve the remaining conflict.
Rule 2. The final examination for a course of higher numerical value shall be taken during the regularly scheduled period. (e.g. ME 470 Engineering Properties of Plastics will be taken before ME 455 Automatic Controls or HIST 351 Ancient Greece and the Persian Empire).
If the conflict is still not completely resolved by Rules No.1 and 2, Rule No.3 shall be used to resolve the remaining conflict.
Rule 3. The final examinations of courses with the same numerical value (e.g. CE 210 Construction Materials and Procedures and PSY 210 Introduction to Psychology) shall be taken in alphabetical order of the prefix of the course number (e.g. CE 210 Construction Materials and Procedures during its regularly scheduled period and EE during some other period which is mutually convenient).
Once priority has been determined for the examination to be taken during its regularly scheduled period, the deferred examination may be taken during the conflict period at the end of all other examinations, with an evening section of the course, or by special arrangement between the instructor and the student; if that arrangement does not create another conflict for the student.
Credit For Courses Not Taken At NJIT
Registration at Another College
Students in good standing at NJIT wishing to take courses at a college or university1 other than those included in the cross-registration program must:
- Obtain an Approval for Courses at other Colleges Form from the Registrar's office.
- Obtain approval from the NJIT department giving the comparable course prior to enrolling in the course. Be prepared to show the department advisor a catalog description of the course(s) you intend to take.
- Have the form countersigned by the registrar and your home department retain one copy. Registrar will retain original and send a copy to the NJIT department involved.
- Take the copy to host college and follow their registration procedure.
- Upon completion of the course(s), arrange to have an official transcript sent from the host college to the NJIT Registrar. Upon receipt, transfer credit will be posted to your NJIT transcript provided the grade earned is a "C" or higher.
- Courses completed at another college other than "cross-registered courses" will not be factored in the calculation of the NJIT semester but they may apply to the NJIT Undergraduate Course Repetition Policy.
- Summer classes may be taken at Rutgers-Newark or Essex County College only if the course(s) is (are) not offered at NJIT during the summer.
- Calculus I and II (equivalents of MATH 111 Calculus I, MATH 112 Calculus II, MATH 113 Finite Mathematics and Calculus I ) may be taken in the summer at other colleges/universities where the duration of the summer course is eight (8) weeks or more.
- Physics I and II (equivalents of PHYS 111 Physics I and PHYS 121 Physics II) may be taken in the summer at other colleges/universities where the duration of the summer courses is six (6) weeks or more.
- Throughout a student's academic career at NJIT, a maximum of two (2) humanities or social science GER-equivalent courses may be taken at other colleges/universities during the summer. However, the capstone seminar in humanities and social science must be taken at NJIT.
- 1
Exclusive of cross-registration at Rutgers-Newark College of Arts and Sciences, Essex County College, RBHS.
Cross-Registration Procedure
Matriculated NJIT students may cross-register for courses at Rutgers-Newark College of Arts and Sciences, Essex County College and at the Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences (RBHS). Eligible students who wish to do so should follow current procedures as described on the Registrar's website.
Summer Students
The above procedure applies only to fall and spring undergraduate courses. For summer courses, a form entitled Permission to Take Courses at Other Colleges must be processed through the registrar's office and the student must pay the applicable tuition and fees to the host school.
Cross-Registration Rutgers Students
Rutgers students cross-registering for courses at NJIT must be matriculated in a degree-granting program on the Newark campus.
Transfer Credit
Undergraduate transfer credit may be awarded at the time of admission for courses that are equivalent to those offered by NJIT. These are based on transfer articulation agreements among the nineteen community colleges and NJ senior colleges and universities. The transfer articulations between NJIT and NJ community colleges can be found at Information on how to transfer prior coursework to NJIT can be found at: NJIT does not have a specific credit limit for the number of credits that may be accepted for transfer. However, to be eligible for graduation, undergraduate students transferring into NJIT must complete at least 33 credits in upper division courses approved by the department of their major study. A minimum grade of C must be earned in the course in order to receive transfer credit. All transfer credit must be documented by an official transcript issued by the school where the course was completed. Students who have attended foreign institutions of higher education must also submit an evaluation of their work made by World Educational Services Inc. or another approved service. Students are required to submit course descriptions for all course work taken outside of the United Stated to the Registrar's Office. Further information regarding evaluations may be obtained from the Registrar's Office. Graduate students may transfer a maximum of nine credits, limited to coursework completed at a US or Canadian Institution.
Transfer Credit – Veteran and Active Duty Students
Undergraduate transfer credit may be awarded at the time of admission for courses that are equivalent to those offered by NJIT. These are based on transfer articulation agreements among the nineteen community colleges and NJ senior colleges and universities. The transfer articulations between NJIT and NJ community colleges can be found at Information on how to transfer prior coursework to NJIT can be found at: NJIT does not have a specific credit limit for the number of credits that may be accepted for transfer. However, to be eligible for graduation, undergraduate students transferring into NJIT must complete at least 33 credits in upper division courses approved by the department of their major study. A minimum grade of C must be earned in the course in order to receive transfer credit. All transfer credit must be documented by an official transcript issued by the school where the course was completed. Students who have attended foreign institutions of higher education must also submit an evaluation of their work made by World Educational Services Inc. or another approved service. Students are required to submit course descriptions for all course work taken outside of the United Stated to the Registrar's Office. Further information regarding evaluations may be obtained from the Registrar's Office. For veterans and active duty military personnel transferring into NJIT as undergraduate students, an evaluation of the Joint Service Transcript (JST) is conducted by the respective academic departments to determine if, or how many, credits from the student’s military career are transferable to NJIT. Graduate students may transfer a maximum of nine credits, limited to coursework completed at a US or Canadian Institution.
Credit for AP Courses
Advanced placement credit can be given in certain cases; please refer to the appropriate section under Admissions.
Credit for Non-Traditional Learning
Students may be granted course credit for certain college-level knowledge acquired through non-traditional education such as independent study or job-related experiences. This credit may be granted for successfully passing selected DANTES or CLEP (College Level Examination Program) Subject Examinations, or, if credit is sought for advanced courses, by successfully passing a special departmental examination. Interested students should contact the Counseling Center for additional information about CLEP or DANTES examinations: (973) 596-3414. Students should contact the appropriate academic department for information about special departmental examinations. A fee is charged for these examinations.
Credits That Must Be Taken at NJIT
To be eligible for graduation, students transferring to NJIT must complete in residence at NJIT, at least 33 credits in upper division courses approved by the department of their major study.
Skills Testing
NJIT places prime importance on its students' ability to communicate. The ability to communicate effectively what has been learned in courses is essential, and so the university requires students to master the verbal skills necessary for writing and speaking clear, correct English. Appropriate developmental work may be assigned to students who do not demonstrate the mastery of these skills. To the extent appropriate to the course, instructors in all disciplines stress the importance of writing and speaking ability.
English as a Second Language (ESL)
Students whose first language is not English and/or whose English proficiency is limited will be required to take a special examination in English and enroll for the appropriate course in their first semester. Placement in the appropriate course (ENGL 090 General Skills in the English Language or the sequence HUM 099S-100S) is based on performance in the examination. Tutoring is a required part of these courses. Students will not be permitted to enroll in cultural history courses until they have achieved satisfactory grades in HUM 099S-100S (and ENGL 090 General Skills in the English Language , if required).
The ESL program offers a number of courses in the Humanities Department. These sections carry full academic credit and are designed to help students strengthen their English language proficiency while also mastering course content. Enrollment in the ESL section of a course is optional. ESL sections include HUM 211 The Pre-Modern World, HUM 212 The Modern World, HIST 213 The Twentieth-Century World, COM 313 Technical Writing, LIT 320 American Literature, and LIT 350 Fiction.
Freshman Placement
Upon deposit and completion of the math placement test, all freshmen will be placed in courses according to their major curriculum and based on standards established by specific departments (i.e. Humanities/English, Mathematics, Chemistry and Computer Science).
Transfer Testing
Transfer students who do not receive transfer credit for required first year courses in Humanities/English, mathematics, chemistry and/or computer science are required to take placement tests. The results will be used to make course placement decisions.
Professional Skills Examinations
NJIT actively participates in programs that assure the quality of education in all undergraduate majors. In some cases, this participation requires students to prepare and sit for professional examinations. In other cases, NJIT students are required to sit for examinations, especially during the sophomore and senior years. Since these examinations carry no credit, they are not specifically listed in the major curricula listed elsewhere in this catalog. Nonetheless, these proficiency examinations are part of degree requirements, and students selected to participate in such examinations are required to take them.
All students enrolled in an Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology, Inc. (ABET) accredited engineering program at NJIT are required to take an assessment examination, the Basic Engineering Skills Test (BEST), in the junior or senior year. The examination is offered at the beginning of the fall and the spring semester. Taking the examination is a graduation requirement commencing with students entering Newark College of Engineering in Fall 2000.
Enrollment Status
Full-Time Students: Undergraduate students registered for 12 credits or more throughout an entire semester are considered full-time.
International students must maintain full-time status each semester.
Part-Time Students: Students registered for fewer than 12 credits during a semester.
Residency Policy for Undergraduate International Students
During the academic year, all undergraduate international students are required to live within commuting distance to campus, at the local address that they have reported to NJIT. Exceptions to the rule are:
- A student is on a trip when the school is not in session (e.g. spring or summer breaks).
- A student is away for academic reasons and with the permission of the student’s academic advisor.
- A student has received NJIT’s official approval for out-of-state CPT and is registered in the CPT course.
International students who do not attend their classes and have regular face to face meetings with their academic advisors can be in violation of their F-1 status and therefore are at risk of having their SEVIS records terminated.
Attendance Policy
- All undergraduates are expected to attend all regularly scheduled classes. In the case of hybrid and fully online classes, participation in discussion forums and other required online activities is expected.
- Attendance, by itself, shall not constitute a basis for grading except for certain clearly designated courses. These courses include, but are not limited to, all Physics and Mathematics 100 and 200 level courses in which a student missing more than three classes may be required to withdraw.
- Students who expect to miss classes or exams because of religious observance must submit to their instructors, by the end of the second week of classes, a written list of dates that will be missed. Students are expected to make up missed work. Faculty are expected to make reasonable attempts to accommodate students who are appropriately following this policy.
- Instructors are obligated to explain clearly, on all syllabi to be distributed at the beginning of each semester, what is expected of students in terms of activities such as class participation, reading assignments, and reports and how these activities factor into student grades.
- Instructors are not obligated to make allowances for student absences unless those absences are due to illness or similarly unavoidable causes.
- When, in the opinion of the instructor, a student is jeopardizing the successful completion of the academic requirements of a subject due to excessive absences, the instructor will initiate an absence warning (Academic Warning Notice), which is to be sent to the student by the instructor.
- It is understood that this policy on attendance is intended to reinforce students’ personal responsibility to be present in class in order to:
- Gain mastery of the subject matter, ideas, and techniques developed in the course.
- Take examinations, tests and quizzes.
- Participate in oral presentations, seminars, and field trips.
- Participate in group activities such as laboratory experiments and study projects.
- Remain fully informed as to class plans, announcements, and assignments.
(Effective Fall 2011)
The following grades will be used:
Grade | Description |
A | Superior |
B+ | Excellent |
B | Very Good |
C+ | Good |
C | Acceptable |
D | Minimum |
F | Inadequate |
AUD | Audit |
I | Incomplete--given in rare instances to students who would normally have completed the course work but who could not do so because of special circumstances. It is expected that coursework will be completed during the next regular semester. If this grade is not removed before final grades are due at the end of the next regular semester, a grade of F will be issued. |
W | Withdrawal |
S | Satisfactory |
U | Unsatisfactory |
Satisfactory and Unsatisfactory
The grades S or U report progress in co-op, teaching methods, ESL and physical education courses. The grade of S is given for satisfactory progress and U is given for unsatisfactory progress. Students who fail to meet with their advisors or do not satisfy relevant attendance requirements will receive a U grade. Credits for courses in which U is received cannot count toward a degree.
Grade Reports
Students can view term grades along with their entire academic record via Highlander Pipeline. The web term grade report is valid for employee tuition reimbursement if this benefit is available through the student's employer.
Grade Changes
Grade change requests will be accepted no later than the final grade due date the end of the subsequent semester.
Grade Disputes
Students are expected to resolve disputes about grades with their instructors. If they cannot reach a satisfactory settlement with their instructor, students are permitted to request the intervention of the chairperson of the department and the dean of the school or college.
Credit by Examination
Examinations to earn credit are available in certain courses. Students who believe they have the background covered in a given course should consult with their advisor and the department offering the course to see whether an examination is offered. To receive credit by examination, a student must perform at a level equivalent to a grade of "C" in the course. Students who have failed or attempted a course at NJIT may not take an examination for credit in that course. A fee will be charged for the examination.
Transcript of Grades
Students who wish to obtain a transcript issued on their behalf must submit a request via Highlander Pipeline. Please allow 10 days to process the request. Transcripts will not be issued to or on behalf of a student with an outstanding financial obligation to the university. Official transcripts bearing the university's raised seal will be issued only to other educational institutions, government agencies, or employers.
Dean's List
Students matriculated in a regular program can qualify for academic honors at the end of the fall and spring semesters if they have completed 12 or more degree credits in the semester, achieved a GPA of 3.00 or better in the semester, and have no incomplete grades or any grade lower than a "C" in the semester. The Dean's List is posted on the student transcript.
Policy on Academic Standing for Undergraduate Students
Academic Standing
NJIT is committed to enabling its matriculated students to reach graduation in a timely fashion. The policies and procedures described here are meant to ensure that our students are aware of their academic status and receive the support they need to overcome any academic difficulties. If, after appropriate intervention from NJIT, a student fails to make progress towards graduation, NJIT is committed to helping the student make alternative academic plans in a timely manner.
Academic standing is determined for matriculated students only and is recorded on their academic transcripts. The policies and procedures governing academic standing are the same for all students (full-time, part-time, and transfer students).
A student’s academic standing at NJIT is determined twice a year, at the end of the fall and spring semesters after grades for the aforementioned semesters have been submitted. Academic standing is based on both the cumulative grade point average (CUM GPA) and the semester grade point average (TERM GPA) the student has earned. Any conditions associated with the academic standing determined at the end of a semester are effective for the next academic semester. Regardless of performance in courses that students may take during summer or winter sessions (which are not considered regular semesters), academic standing for such sessions is the one determined at the end of the immediately prior fall or spring semester in which students were enrolled in courses.
Students determined to be in any category other than Good Standing are notified via electronic mail of their academic standing
The categories of academic standing, along with the corresponding policies, are given below.
Good Standing
Students with TERM and CUM GPA of at least 2.0 are placed in Good Standing.
Academic Warning
Students are placed on Academic Warning in the following cases:
- They have completed their first semester at NJIT with a TERM GPA of at least 1.75 but lower than 2.0, or
- They have a TERM GPA lower than 2.0, a CUM GPA of at least 2.0, and have never previously had any academic standing other than Good Standing.
Students can be placed on Academic Warning only once during their studies at NJIT.
In the semester following the one in which they were placed on Academic Warning, students cannot attempt more than 15 credits and they must meet with their academic advisor as per the advisor’s specifications. If the student decides to take courses during the summer, the limit is 9 credits.
At the end of their first semester of enrollment after they have been placed on Academic Warning, students must earn a TERM (and CUM) GPA of at least 2.0 in order to be placed in Good Standing; otherwise, students are placed on Academic Probation.
Academic Probation
Students are placed on Academic Probation in the following cases:
- They have completed their first semester at NJIT with a TERM GPA lower than 1.75, or
- They have a TERM GPA lower than 2.0 and had been placed on Academic Warning in any prior semester at NJIT, or
- They have a CUM GPA below 2.0 and have never previously had any academic standing other than Good Standing (this rule is not applicable to students who have just completed their first semester at NJIT with a TERM GPA of at least 1.75).
Students can be placed on Academic Probation only once during their studies at NJIT.
In the semester following the one in which they were placed on Academic Probation, students cannot attempt more than 14 credits, must meet with their academic advisor as per the advisor’s specifications, and must follow an improvement plan as per the advisor’s recommendations. The plan may include the use of resources such as academic support workshops provided by the Advising Success Center (ASC). If the student decides to take courses during the summer, the limit is 9 credits.
At the end of their first semester of enrollment after they have been placed on Academic Probation, students must earn a CUM (and TERM) GPA of at least 2.0 in order to be placed in Good Standing; otherwise, students are placed on Academic Pre-Suspension or Academic Suspension.
Academic Pre-Suspension
Students are placed on Academic Pre-Suspension if at the end of their first semester of enrollment after they have been placed on Academic Probation, have a TERM GPA of at least 2.0 but their CUM GPA is still below 2.0. Students on Academic Pre-Suspension are given the opportunity to attempt up to a total of 12 credits to achieve a CUM GPA of 2.0 and return to Good Standing. Attempted credits refer to those for which an actual letter grade was earned as well as those for which a W (Withdrawal) has been entered. Students on Academic Pre-Suspension are only allowed to attempt credits in courses that have been explicitly approved by their academic advisor. While on Academic Pre-Suspension, students must meet with their academic advisor as per the advisor’s specifications. Students on Academic Pre-Suspension are not allowed to register for courses offered in the winter session. If the student decides to take courses during the summer, the limit is 9 credits.
At the end of their first semester of enrollment after they have been placed on Academic Pre-Suspension, students must earn a CUM (and TERM) GPA of at least 2.0 in order to be placed in Good Standing. If they have attempted 12 credits and their TERM (and CUM) GPA is below 2.0, students are placed on Academic Suspension; if they have attempted less than 12 credits and achieved a TERM GPA of at least 2.0, students are placed again on Academic Pre-Suspension and given a final semester to attempt the remaining of the 12 advisor-approved credits and achieve a CUM GPA of at least 2.0.
Academic Suspension
Students are placed on Academic Suspension in the following cases:
- They have either a TERM GPA or a CUM GPA lower than 2.0 and had been placed on Academic Probation in any of their prior semesters at NJIT, or
- They have a TERM (and CUM) GPA lower than 2.0 at the end of a semester following one in which they were placed on Academic Pre-Suspension.
Students can be placed on Academic Suspension only once during their studies at NJIT.
First Time Full Time Undergraduate (FTFTU) students who i) actively participate in the Plan for Academic and Career Excellence (PACE) program in the spring term, ii) continue attending workshops and mandatory tutoring, and iii) show improved performance from the first to the second semester will be given one additional semester to attain the cumulative GPA required for continued enrollment. Students who are admitted for the Spring semester only need to complete ii) and iii).
In addition, students who fail or withdraw from the same course twice during the first two semesters may be asked to change their major to one that does not include the failed/withdrawn classes. GER credits may not be considered in the exclusion process.
Students placed on Academic Suspension are not permitted to enroll in courses at NJIT unless they are reinstated, as described below.
Academic Dismissal
Students who reach the point of Academic Suspension after reinstatement following their first Academic Suspension are permanently dismissed from the university. Academically dismissed students can neither be reinstated nor readmitted to the university under any circumstances.
Student Appeals
Students cannot appeal any decision on their academic standing except a decision to place them on Academic Suspension. Information on how to file an appeal following placement on Academic Suspension is provided in the notification sent (via electronic mail) to the students regarding their academic standing. The appeal documents must be submitted electronically and are reviewed by the Committee on Undergraduate Academic Standing. The Committee does not meet in person with students filing appeals and its decision is final. Students with successful appeals are placed on Academic Pre-Suspension. Students are notified of the Committee’s decision via electronic mail.
Reinstatement after Academic Suspension
Students who are suspended from the university may apply for reinstatement after a lapse of at least one fall or spring semester. Final decisions about applications for reinstatement are made by the appropriate academic department on the basis of its written policy, after students have met with an academic advisor.
Extenuating Circumstances
The university continues to make every effort to protect students’ academic and personal information. Moreover, maintaining the confidentiality of students’ medical information is a legal and ethical duty, as defined by federal and state laws and regulations, and by the courts. Whenever students have a situation that affects their academic standing, it should be brought to the Dean of Students. This includes medical or psychological documentation to support a student’s claim. Students should not bring such information to their instructors, nor should it be requested by a faculty member. The Dean of Students has a physician and staff psychologists to evaluate such information to verify its legitimacy. The Dean of Students will then notify the faculty member(s) if a student has a legitimate absence and will ask that the student receive consideration in making up any missed course work or exam. This process ensures confidentiality of students’ information and, just as important, consistency in dealing with such matters.
Undergraduate Course Repetition Policy
An NJIT student may take a single course no more than four times at NJIT and/or another institution, including withdrawals. If an undergraduate course is repeated at NJIT, then the lowest of the grades is excluded in computation of the cumulative GPA and all other grades are included. All grades are shown on the student's transcript. In the case where the student passes the course by earning transfer credit, only the lowest letter grade (B, C, D, or F) is excluded from the GPA calculation.
Course Exclusion Policy
Course exclusion occurs during the semester in which a student changes major. Courses that only apply to the previous program may be excluded from the calculation of the cumulative GPA. Any courses that apply to the new program, including GER courses, may not have their grades excluded from the GPA calculation. Courses that are excluded from the GPA calculation continue to appear on a student’s transcript. The advisor of the new program determines which courses are eligible for exclusion. Student Financial Aid Services should verify that the excluded courses do not impact the student's financial aid. A student may subsequently retake a course that was previously excluded only if allowable under the Undergraduate Course Repetition policy; such a retake will reverse the previous exclusion of the course. During a subsequent change of major, any course that was excluded but now applies to the new program will have its previous exclusion reversed.
Change of Major
Students seeking change of major must submit a Change of Major form to the Registrar, with signature approvals from the student's current and new department representatives. For students with an approved change of major, grades in all courses that are not applicable to students’ new majors, as determined by the new advisor, are excluded from the cumulative grade calculation. The new recalculated GPA will be in effect at the end of the semester in which the student transfers. Advisors arbitrate which classes can apply to new major. (Effective Summer 2011)
Class Standing
A student's class/year standing is determined by the number of course credits earned: first year standing, 0--28 credits; sophomore standing, 29--56 credits; junior standing, 57--90 credits; and senior standing, 91+ credits.
New Jersey Institute of Technology is authorized to grant degrees by the Commission on Higher Education. Each degree is certified by a diploma bearing the university seal and the signatures of officers of the university.
Candidates for graduation who satisfactorily complete a regular undergraduate program receive the bachelor's degree in the program pursued. Each prospective candidate for any degree must file an application for graduation on or before the deadline date set by the university.
In order to graduate, students must attain a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 in all the courses listed in the catalog as being required in the appropriate curriculum. They must also earn a cumulative GPA of 2.0 in the upper division course requirements of their major as determined by the academic department offering the major.
NJIT holds its annual commencement exercises in May of each year. Graduates who obtain their degree at any of the 3 degree dates (August, January or May) are encouraged to participate.
Credits That Must Be Taken at NJIT
To be eligible for graduation, students transferring to NJIT must complete in residence at NJIT, at least 33 credits in upper division courses approved by the department of their major study.
Graduation with Academic Honors
The academic honors of cum laude (GPA of 3.400--3.649), magna cum laude (GPA of 3.650-3.849), and summa cum laude (GPA of 3.850--4.00) are awarded to qualified students at graduation. Note that to be eligible for academic honors, students must complete a minimum of 60 credits in residence at NJIT, with at least 33 credits in upper division courses, counting towards their degree at NJIT. *The GPA for such honors will be calculated based on the original grade a student received before any conversion to a special grade of NAD, AC, or P during a semester when those grade options were available.
The NJIT Presidential Medal is awarded to eligible graduating undergraduates with a cumulative GPA of 4.0. To be eligible for the Presidential Medal, students must have a grade of A in all courses taken at NJIT, and all transfer courses that are used towards degree requirements. Additionally, they must complete a minimum of 60 credits at NJIT, with at least 33 credits in upper division courses. The GPA associated with a Presidential Medal must be based on the original grade a student received before any conversion to a special grade of NAD, AC, or P during a semester when those grade options were available.
Expiration of Credit
Applicants are offered conditional admission to NJIT, based on an evaluation of coursework taken at institutions outside of NJIT. Coursework from an institution of higher education other than New Jersey Institute of Technology that is over 10 years old and is presented for transfer credit will be evaluated by the relevant academic department for applicability towards students’ intended degree requirements.
Expired Credits – for students with a conferred Associate Degree
- Students who meet all requirements for acceptance into a major by the academic department and for whom all the expired credits are approved will meet with an academic advisor to develop a plan for completing their degree within a maximum period of time equivalent to four (4) full-time semesters.
- Students who meet all requirements for acceptance into a major by the academic department but for whom at least 45 credits are approved will meet with an academic advisor to develop a plan for completing their degree within a maximum period of time equivalent to five (5) full-time semesters.
- Students for whom acceptance into a major by the academic department is conditional and are required to take bridge courses will meet with an academic advisor to develop a plan for completing their degree within a period of time reflective of the work required of the student. In this case, there is no expectation that the degree should be completed in within a maximum period of time equivalent to five (5) full-time semesters.
Expired Credits - for students that have not obtained an Associate Degree
- The Office of the Registrar evaluates credits from official transcripts, AP and IB test scores and credit by evaluation only after a student has been granted admission.
- Students who wish to appeal an evaluation of credits completed more than ten years prior are to complete the NJIT Transfer Credit Request Form form includes includes an indicator flag that the student will use to idenfiy the course(s) completed ten years and prior. Upon submission of the form, a workflow is triggered so that the relevant academic departments are advised and can complete their review and evaluation of the courses. If the department approves the credit, it will be applied to the student’s academic record. Upon completion of the review, the student receives an automatic mail notification of the evaluation from the academic department reviewing the expired course. Each academic department reviewing an expired couse within a specific subject area will send a separate notification to the student.
Note: This process is used only for credits taken outside of NJIT which have not already been reviewed termed “unprocessed credits”. (Courses taken from a prior institution that have already been reviewed are included in the student’s academic record).
Student Privacy Concerns
Consistent with the Family Educational Rights to Privacy Act (FERPA), NJIT allows for the release of directory information, which includes a student’s preferred name. If a student does not want their directory information disclosed to external organizations or persons, they can select "Do NOT show my profile".
Students may also request to withhold disclosure of directory information altogether. New Jersey Institute of Technology assumes that failure on the part of any student to specifically request in writing preventing the disclosure of directory information indicates individual approval of disclosure.
NJIT Policy for Recording Classes
Policies for Online Courses
In any given semester, there are two types of online courses, Virtual Campus and Newark Campus:
- Enrollment in Virtual Campus courses is restricted to Virtual Campus students.
- Enrollment in Newark Campus online courses is restricted to Newark Campus students.
Virtual Campus Online Courses
Enrollment in Virtual Campus courses is restricted to Virtual Campus students. Virtual Campus students are those who are accepted, at the time of admission, to a fully online program (the program is what matters, not whether a student has been taking all online courses).
Virtual Campus students (in-state, out-of-state, international attending from abroad) are eligible for eTuition provided that all of their courses, in a given semester, are offered online through the Virtual Campus.
Virtual Campus students who wish to register for courses that are not part of the Virtual Campus will need to either:
- Officially apply for a change of campus (this can only be completed once), or
- Obtain special permission from the home department.
Please note that Virtual Campus students who take courses that are not part of the Virtual Campus, will lose their eligibility for eTuition for that semester and for all courses they take.
- For more information about NJIT’s online programs, please visit
- Questions on changing campus should be addressed to the Registrar’s Office
Newark Campus Online Courses
NJIT offers a number of online courses that can be taken by students who are normally enrolled in face-to-face courses offered on the main Newark campus. These online courses are identified as Newark Campus courses on the course schedule.
Newark Campus students are those who are accepted, at the time of admission, to a program that requires in-person attendance. Newark Campus students are not eligible to register for Virtual Campus courses.
Online courses that are identified as Newark Campus are not eligible for eTuition. eTuition is only available to Virtual Campus students.
International students who have been admitted to Newark Campus programs can take as many Newark Campus online courses as the federal policies allow for. The Office of Global Initiatives can be consulted about the allowed number.
Preferred Name Statement
New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT) is committed to creating a campus environment that is inclusive of everyone’s culture, identity, and background. This commitment fosters an institutional culture where all members of the community feel welcomed and a sense of belonging.
With a strong commitment to creating an inclusive campus community, NJIT embraces the diversity of all students, faculty and staff who wish to use a preferred name in all university settings. We strive to ensure all members of the campus community respectfully use an individual’s preferred name in all university settings and support an individual to self-identify however they choose.
NJIT defines preferred name as the name by which a person wishes to be known and to have appeared in university systems, and marketing and communications, except where legal name is required. A Legal Name is defined as the name that is recorded on legal identification and used on formal legal records and documents. Preferred names are individual choices and should always align with NJIT’s Core Values.
Using self-service through Banner, at any time, a student, faculty, or staff member may update their preferred name. It may take several days for the preferred name to appear on university systems, documents, and records. You may request a new ID card by visiting the Photo ID office. Per the requirements of law and/or certain legal identification purposes, an individual’s legal name may be used for legal records and documents, including transcripts and diplomas.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is a preferred name?
A “preferred name” is the name other than ones legal name that the student has indicated the desire to be identified by. A “legal name” is the name recorded on the student’s legal identification (i.e., passport, birth certificate, Social Security card) and used on official NJIT records.
Are there any Preferred Name restrictions?
NJIT reserves the right to decline or revoke an approved Preferred Name if the preferred name may be used for criminal or misrepresentation purposes may be harmful to the reputation or interests of NJIT, and/or conveys inappropriate or offensive language/meaning.
When/why will NJIT departments/personnel continue to use my legal name?
NJIT departments, offices, and/or personnel often must use appropriate identification of students’ legal name to conduct university business and functions (i.e., sending reports to federal, State, and other government agencies that require legal identity verification). Students utilizing a preferred name should always be prepared to reference their legal name as well as provide university identification when necessary.
How long will it take for my preferred name registration to take effect?
Depending on the time a preferred name application was submitted to the Office of the Registrar, it may take several business days for the preferred name to begin appearing on certain university rosters. NJIT does not guarantee the preferred name will appear in all locations or in all circumstances.
What if I’ve already received identification with my legal name only?
Students who have already received identification with legal names only may apply for new identification reflecting the approved preferred name.
Will background checks include preferred names?
Students who register a preferred name must be aware that preferred names are required to be disclosed in certain circumstances, including during background checks and other legal processes. The university is under a continued responsibility to report such names even after a student has discontinued use of the preferred name.
NJIT Policy on Student Absences for Religious Observances
NJIT does not cancel classes for non-federally recognized religious holidays. Students observing such holidays must follow this policy to receive academic accommodations. The policy ensures that students absent due to religious observances are excused without penalty. Faculty are required to provide students an academically reasonable timeframe to make up missed assignments, exams, projects, quizzes, or other academic work.
Students must notify their professors in writing of any conflicts between course requirements and religious observances. Faculty must include a reminder on the course syllabus about this notification process. Students expecting to miss classes or exams due to religious observances must submit a written list of dates to their instructors, ideally by the end of the second week of class, but no later than two weeks before the anticipated absence.
Faculty are expected to make academically appropriate accommodations for missed work, including exams, quizzes, and assignments, due to religious observances. Once notified in writing, professors must ensure that students are not penalized for missed work, as long as it is completed by a new deadline set by the professor, which must fall within the academic term. If the student fails to meet this deadline, the professor will assign an appropriate grade. Missed work may include homework, projects, exams, quizzes, lab work, or out-of-class activities scheduled during the observance.
This policy applies only to absences for religious observances. For other excused absences, students should refer to the policies from the Dean of Students.
For any questions or concerns regarding this policy, please contact the Office of Inclusive Excellence at